Sunday, May 27, 2012



In this project, I have chosen to four books to compare. Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, Things Fall Apart, and A Separate Peace. I have chosen these four books because they all have the similar concepts about self destructions or the destructions of society. In Lord of the Flies, the conflicts between Ralph and Jack for shelter, food, protection, and power; and the loss of innocence of the young children which lead to a dramatic chaos. Animal Farm, Snowball and Napoleon fighting for the leadership to fight against the humans, but seems to be no difference from animals and humans. Things Falls Apart shows how Okonkwo built up his own personality which leads him to his own self destruction; and the invasion of the white man causing the destruction of culture, freedom, and society. A Separate Peace uses the idea of Gene’s adores and envy toward his best friend, Finny, which creates a love-hate relationship. 

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